
Race Regulations

01. Runners must participate only in the race category for which he/she has applied, and for which his/her entry has been confirmed in. Participating in any other race category will not entitle a runner to any benefits of participating in the Tata Mumbai Marathon 2025.

02. A participant’s entry and running number bib is not transferable to any other person under any circumstance.

03. On race day, for security reasons, only registered participants of the Tata Mumbai Marathon 2025 wearing the valid bib and event’s official crew, will be allowed entry into the event venue/s. The unique barcode on running number bibs will be scanned at the entrance gates of the event venue/s. Persons without a bib or wearing an incorrect or invalid number bib, or where the photograph submitted along with the form does not match with the person wanting to enter the venue, will not be allowed entry. Any entry fee paid by such disqualified participant for the 2025 edition will not be refunded.

04. Running bib and timing tag (if participating in Marathon Elite, Marathon (amateurs), Half Marathon, Police Cup and Open 10K categories) are assigned specifically to each runner; any exchange would result in disqualification of the runner’s participation from the 2025 and 2026 editions of the Tata Mumbai Marathon.

a) Please note if a Marathon Elite, Marathon (amateurs), Half Marathon, Police Cup and Open 10K category runner tampers with the bib tag in any way or remove/exchange it with another runner, he/she won't be able to get an official finish time and thereby the official timing certificate recording his/her finish times. No Timing – No Prize Money.

b) Any participant found wearing the incorrect bib or no bib will be disqualified and removed from the course.

c) Further, every runner must wear his/her running number bib on the front of his/her running vest. Any mutilation, fold, alteration or damage to the bib will amount to disqualification of the participant from the Event.

d) Procam International reserves the right to take necessary disciplinary action against such registered participant, and the person who has run using the running number bib of another participant on the race day.

05. Results and/or certificates will NOT be given to Marathon Elite, Marathon (amateurs), Half Marathon, Open 10K, and Police Cup runners, and teams as the case may be, who do not start their run at the official declared start times, from respective start venues, on race day.

06. Runners not adhering to specified cut-off timings for entering the event venue premises and starting respective races, will not be allowed to participate in the Tata Mumbai Marathon 2025. Runners reaching the event venue late, for reasons whatsoever, tend to create hindrance and compromise the experience of all runners participating in the event. This is to ensure a smooth race start and a seamless experience for all the participants.

07. Prize Money is applicable only for the Marathon Elite, Marathon (amateurs), Half Marathon, Police Cup and Open 10K categories.  ‘Run In Costume’ contest is open only for participants of the Dream Run.

08. No wheeled vehicles are allowed on the course. Anyone bringing wheeled vehicles will be disqualified from the race and will be asked to leave the course. This regulation does not apply to wheelchairs being used by participants of the ‘Champions With Disability’ category.

09. Participants are not allowed to run with pets. Further, only confirmed participants of the 2025 edition of Tata Mumbai Marathon, wearing a valid bib will be allowed to enter the venue and on the route. The following participants shall not be allowed to participate in the Tata Mumbai Marathon on race day, despite having a valid registration confirmation:

a) Participants wearing a TMM virtual bib

b) Participants running with under-aged children and/or babies in arms.

Such participants will be asked to leave the venue and/or route premises with immediate effect. Requests for refund of entry fees/donation made and/or any compensation of whatsoever nature, on non-participation due to any of the above-mentioned reasons, shall not be entertained.

10. Procam International is not responsible for the acts of any of the Participants. Any act and/or expression of any of the Participant at the Event shall be at his/her own volition and responsibility. Procam International reserves the right to prohibit participants from participation in case any act/expression of any participant is likely to disturb social harmony, national integrity and sovereignty. Requests for refund of entry fees/donation made and/or any compensation of whatsoever nature, on non-participation due to any of the above-mentioned reasons, shall not be entertained.

11. Participants will not be allowed to enter the event venue/s with helium filled balloons.

12. Participants carrying any weapons, arms, ammunition, narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances shall not be allowed at the Event venue/s and shall be handed over to concerned authorities immediately.

13. A Finish Vehicle signifying finish of the marathon race and opening up of roads to vehicular traffic, will start from Bandra Reclamation at 9:30 a.m. Runners who cannot reach the finish line by then, must stick to the footpath in order to complete the race.

14. Event promoter reserves the right to stop any participant from participating who is found medically unfit to continue in the opinion of the medical personnel.

15. Irrespective of how seasoned a runner may be, one must be self-aware of any vital signs which may prevent one from participating in the race category chosen. It is advisable for participants to visit a registered medical practitioner/doctor to assess one’s physical fitness to participate. Event promoter and event sponsors/partners shall not be held liable for any medical related consequences, of whatsoever nature, that may be caused, on race day or thereafter as a result of the runner’s participation in the event.

16. For security reasons, participants are requested to come without any baggage. Baggage counters are available only for participants of the Marathon Elite, Marathon (amateurs), Half Marathon, Open 10K, and the Police Cup. Participants are advised not to leave valuables like mobile phone, camera, jewelry, watch, wallet/purse, electronic gadgets, etc. in the bag stored. The event promoter is not responsible for loss of any baggage and its belongings.

17. Participants are requested to cooperate with the police and security personnel deputed at the Event Venue and on route. Participants/supporters are liable to random checking on race day for security purposes

18. Photographs taken of runners during the Mirchi Get Active Expo and on the race day may be used for the purpose of promoting the event in future.